Tuesday, March 13, 2012

"If I tell" end responce SPOILER ALERT

Life is full of secrets. It can be hard to understand which secrets to reveal and which secrets to hide.  In my book "If I Tell" by Janet Gurtler, the main character, Jasmine, is debating whether to tell her mother a huge secret. The secret could drastically change her mother's life and perspective on someone else.

Jasmine is in a horrible position. Her best friend, Lacy, "made out" with her mother's boyfriend, Simon, at a party. To make it worse, Jasmine's mother is pregnant. If Jasmine tells her mother the secret, her mother's boyfriend might leave the new baby without a father, which is what happened to Jasmine.  Jasmine doesn't want a broken family but she also doesn't want a family of lies. If Jasmine doesn't tell her mother, she will always feel guilty watching her mother smile at the man who cheated on her.

I recently finished the book!! It was amazing. Jasmine is was in such a bad position. I'm so glad about the desion she made though. When her mother was in labor she talked to Simon about it. She asked him about Lacy. He said it was the stupidest desision he ever made in his life. I agree with him, he shouldn't have done it, but whats done is done. Jasmine made a very smart promise to Simon, never do it again and I will not tell.

In life you need to be careful and watch out for the desions you make for yourself.

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