Tuesday, October 18, 2011

L.A Candy end reading response

     I read the book L.A candy, by Lauren Conrad. One of the main themes is social class and Labels in the "Hollywood" scene. Being famous in America can have its Ups and Downs. For Jane (the main character) she has her Ups, According to Madison. Madison is one of those people who NEEDs to be famous in the world. She needs to be the prettiest one, the one everyone likes and cares about. Kind of like the popular one in school voted for homecoming queen.

     Some people are so obsessed with fame, that they will do anything to be in the spotlight. Madison trys to catch Jane into doing horrible things on T.V like sleeping with a guy, and many other things. But Reality Isn't always real. We have many fake people in the world, especially on reality TV.
     In our world  we have so many people that you can't trust, people who want popularity and act like your friend are stuck up, rude, obnoxious because its all a Lie. Every little puzzle piece is a cold lie. And you really have to think to yourself is this person just using me or actually being an amazing person who you need more than anyone in the world. Jane noticed that Madison is fake.  They stopped being friends, and Madison's dream was crushed...
But Karma is always there, and hits you when your done doing something bad.

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